You ever read Maddox's website? I discovered it in the mid 2000s and I got hooked on it. I think it influenced me to be a hating ass bitch in my teen years.

See, the majority of the MySpace era for me wasn't spent like it was for others. While people look back on that time period and go "omg my emo phase!" or whatever, for me? It was the opposite. I spent so much time shitting on emo culture back then. I was like "your music sucks, skinny jeans are ugly, my life's way harder than yours and you bitch way more than I do", etc. I had gotten some genuine heat for it at school.

At one point, I was standing outside my high school with this girl Tessa I knew, who was talking to some guy I didn't know. He mentioned me by name and said he was "getting sick of all these rants", and then Tessa was like "you're bitching about someone standing two feet away from you." And he was like "oh hey, haha" and let it go. Dickless coward!

My point is-- nowadays, people call me emo and say shit to me like "haha what is it 2008?" because any alt fashion that uses heavy makeup is automatically emo. It's my karmic punishment for being such an obnoxious cunt. Being a hater is no way to live! If you're a hater, I hate you!