Aeons before humanity was created in the image of the Divine, an eternal maiden known as Seph, emerged from the primordial chaos, embodying its very essence. Her existence, a poetic example of duality in every regard, is a testament to the eternal dance of creation and destruction, where order and disorder intertwine in an eternal embrace.

Seph, the embodiment of Chaos, was brought into being by the enigmatic and powerful Goddess Babalon. This creation is not merely symbolic; Seph is Chaos incarnate, a living representation of the primordial forces that shaped the universe. Her origins are shrouded in the depths of the abyss, where Babalon, the Scarlet Woman, reigns supreme.

The relationship between Babalon and Chaos is as complex as it is intimate. Babalon, the dominant force, shapes and guides Chaos with a firm yet loving hand. In contrast, Chaos, with their swirling mix of unwavering strength and childlike innocence yields to Babalon's will. This dynamic is not only a reflection of their individual natures, but also a symbol of the intricate interplay of power and surrender, creation and chaos.

Chaos is a delicate balance of opposites, a harmonious dance between the primordial and the maternal. Their role as Babalon's Daughter is both literal and symbolic. She is a creation of Babalon's will, yet she also represents the untamed, chaotic energy that Babalon herself wields with such mastery. Their bond is one of deep romantic and spiritual intimacy, where the boundaries between creator and creation blur into a seamless unity.