Major Arcana

  • The Initiator: Embark on new beginnings with an open mind and heart.
  • The Visionary: Harness your creativity and manifest your desires.
  • The Mentor: Trust your intuition and seek inner wisdom.
  • The Caregiver: Embrace nurturing and growth in your life.
  • The Protector: Establish structure and stability in your endeavors.
  • The Advisor: Seek guidance and wisdom from traditions and mentors.
  • The Harmonizer: Foster balance and unity in relationships.
  • The Trailblazer: Move forward with confidence and determination.
  • The Resilience: Draw strength from within to overcome challenges.
  • The Introspector: Reflect and seek solitude for personal insight.
  • The Wheel of Destiny: Embrace the cycles of change and fortune.
  • The Equilibrium: Strive for fairness and balance in all actions.
  • The Observer: View life from a new perspective and gain clarity.
  • The Transformation: Accept endings and new beginnings as part of growth.
  • The Alchemist: Blend opposites to create harmony and balance.
  • The Challenger: Face sudden changes and upheaval with courage.
  • The Catalyst: Use inspiration and hope to guide your path.
  • The Dream Weaver: Trust in your intuition and dreams.
  • The Radiance: Bask in joy, success, and positivity.
  • The Awakening: Embrace self-realization and new awareness.
  • The Unity: Achieve completeness and harmony with the world.


  • Spark of Emotion: New feelings and emotional beginnings.
  • Harmony: Deep connections and mutual understanding.
  • Celebration: Joyful gatherings and shared happiness.
  • Reflection: Contemplate your emotions and desires.
  • Melancholy: Process and accept emotional losses.
  • Nostalgia: Cherish memories and past connections.
  • Imagination: Explore fantasies and creative visions.
  • Journey: Seek emotional growth and new experiences.
  • Fulfillment: Savor emotional contentment and satisfaction.
  • Abundance: Experience love, joy, and family harmony.
  • Compassion: Nurture and care for others with empathy.
  • Inspiration: Follow your heart and creative impulses.
  • Empathy: Understand and support others emotionally.
  • Wisdom: Offer mature and balanced emotional guidance.


  • Seed of Prosperity: New financial opportunities and beginnings.
  • Balance: Manage resources and responsibilities wisely.
  • Craftsmanship: Dedicate yourself to skill and teamwork.
  • Security: Protect and stabilize your resources.
  • Adversity: Face financial or material challenges with resilience.
  • Generosity: Share your wealth and support others.
  • Patience: Wait for the right time for material success.
  • Diligence: Work hard and stay dedicated to your goals.
  • Accomplishment: Enjoy the fruits of your labor and independence.
  • Legacy: Build and appreciate long-term wealth and family.
  • Ambition: Pursue new ventures and learning opportunities.
  • Enterprise: Move forward with practical and reliable actions.
  • Nurture: Care for your home and material well-being.
  • Authority: Lead with confidence and financial wisdom.


  • Clarity: Embrace new ideas and intellectual beginnings.
  • Decision: Weigh choices carefully and seek balance.
  • Heartbreak: Heal from pain and emotional conflicts.
  • Restoration: Take time to rest and recover your mind.
  • Conflict: Navigate disputes and challenges with strategy.
  • Transition: Move towards mental peace and new horizons.
  • Deception: Be wary of hidden motives and truths.
  • Limitation: Overcome mental restrictions and fears.
  • Anxiety: Address worries and seek mental peace.
  • Resolution: Accept and move beyond intellectual or emotional endings.
  • Curiosity: Seek knowledge and truth with an open mind.
  • Action: Pursue your goals with swift and decisive action.
  • Insight: Provide clear and thoughtful intellectual guidance.
  • Mastery: Command your intellect with authority and wisdom.


  • Spark of Creativity: Embrace new creative endeavors.
  • Partnership: Collaborate and plan future ventures.
  • Exploration: Expand your horizons and seek adventure.
  • Determination: Celebrate achievements and maintain focus.
  • Challenge: Engage in friendly competition and overcome obstacles.
  • Victory: Enjoy recognition and success in your efforts.
  • Courage: Stand strong and defend your beliefs.
  • Momentum: Move forward with speed and energy.
  • Perseverance: Persist despite challenges and near completion.
  • Completion: Finish your projects and rest from your labors.
  • Discovery: Explore new ideas and opportunities.
  • Adventure: Pursue excitement and dynamic actions.
  • Queen: Lead and inspire others with creativity.
  • Leadership: Guide with passion and visionary strength.